John Jayachandran

John Jayachandran

John Jayachandran, Ph.D.

Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, Inc.
John is a Professor and Program Coordinator of the Department of Sociology at Concordia University of Edmonton, where he has been since 1990. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology (Demography) from the University of Alberta in 1990. His research interests and demography. Much of his work has been quantitative data analysis of fertility and mortality. His current research interests include structural equation modeling of balancing work and family well-being. His recent publications include “Balancing Work and Family in Canada: A Causal Modeling Approach” and “Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Canada.” He teaches courses on statistics, research methods, age, and population studies.


Did you know?

The only known cure for Sickle Cell Disease is a stem cell transplant (or bone marrow transplant). Due to the difficulty in finding an identical match and the significant risks involved in this procedure, including life-threatening complications, it is rarely an option for sickle cell patients.